Salon de Moscou recreate the salons of that time, only in a completely new, modern format. Our team brings something more to the event than just food, drinks and music. The goal is to make the event intellectually and spiritually saturated. We show that the bar is not only about alcohol, and a restaurant is not just about food. At our events there is a productive networking, people communicate, learn new experience of events. Our main tasks: to enrich and educate.

The new "Salon" unites people who want to share experience and knowledge for the purpose of cultural and ideological enrichment in an atmosphere of pleasure. To form a new cultural one. With the help of the Salon, everyone will be able to find new partners for further cooperation and a great pastime.

Art / Music & Sound Design / Networking / Selected Wine & Cocktails

Salon de Moscow                   

Creative, Art Direction, Identity, Event Concept, Organization, Motion Design

Self Project 


The Press

Projects ︎︎︎
Information ︎︎︎
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Presentation (PDF) ︎︎︎